Clinical Research Details

Descriptive Information
Use of Electronic Health Record and burnout among Faculty and residents post implementation of EPIC at American University of Beirut Medical Center (AUBMC)

Lama Charafeddine



  • Doha Hassan
Fatima Nasser
Extension: 5599
Conditions and Keywords
burnout,health professional
electronic health record,burnout,physicians,health care providers
Study Design
Health Services Research
N/A: Not Applicable
N/A: Not Applicable
Eligibility and IRB

Background: Physician burnout has a profound negative effect on patient care and the entire healthcare system. There are many potential contributing factors to physician burnout. One of the presumed factors is the time spent using electronic health records (EHR) which is less explored in our particular context.

Objectives: Demonstrate the correlation between time spent using EHR and burnout among residents and faculty compared to other potential factors.

Assess the difference in burnout rate related to EHR use between faculty and residents.

Methods: This is a cross-sectional anonymous survey with a descriptive design. The survey will be distributed to residents and faculty at American University of Beirut Medical Center:

Ø  The first part of the survey will have questions regarding EHR use. (18 items)

Ø  The second part will be a standardized burnout questionnaire adapted by Michelle Post, MA, LMFT from Public Welfare, Vol. 39, No. 1, 1981, American Public Welfare Association instead of Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) as it has the same specificity, however available free online (28 items).

Ø  The third part will have questions regarding demographic and potential confounding factors including age, gender, years of experience in healthcare, experience in EHR, level of education, clinical service duties, hours of sleep, and hours of exercise (8 items).

Ø  The Fourth Part: Suggestions for future improvements of EPIC EHR system (4 items)