Clinical Research Details

Descriptive Information
Cognitive Functioning in Pediatric Mood disorders: Bipolar Disorder vs Depression-Specific Markers

Fadi T Maalouf


Clinical Research - Epidemiologic and Behavioral Studies  

Farah Tabaja
Conditions and Keywords
Bipolar Depression ,Unipolar Depression
Bipolar Depression ,Unipolar Depression ,Cognitive functioning ,executive functioning,emotion processing
Study Design
Basic / Translational
N/A: Not Applicable
N/A: Not Applicable
N/A: Not Applicable
N/A: Not Applicable
Case Control
Eligibility and IRB
Min: 8
Max: 18

The current study aims at investigating cognitive functioning of memory, sustained attention, executive functioning and response inhibition as well as emotion processing in pediatric bipolar disorder. In addition, the study aims at identifying what deficits, if any, are trait markers of pediatric Bipolar disorder and what deficits are depression state-dependent.  

-8-18 year olds with  Bipolar disorder (across mood states)

-8-18 year olds with uni polar depression

-healthy controls aged 8 -18 years

Bipolar and unipolar depression patients will be recruited from the child and adolescent psychiatry clinic at AUBMC

Healthy controls will be recruited from the family medicine and pediatrics clinics at AUB-MC through advertisements.

Patients meeting DSM-IV-TR criteria for Major Depressive Disorder (MDD), with symptoms present for at least 2 weeks and a score >40 on the Child Depression Rating Scale (CDRS) will be recruited in the Unipolar Depressed group.

Mood state in the Bipolar groups will be determined according to the Young Mania rating Scale (YMRS) and CDRS with a YMRS cut-off score of 7 used for euthymia.

Exclusion criteria for both Bipolar and Depressed groups include a premorbid IQ estimate of < 70, current reported substance abuse (alcohol, drugs), untreated Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD), and a history of seizures or major neurological disorder (ex. Head trauma). Participants with psychiatric disorders or a history of psychiatric disorders in first degree relatives will be excluded from the control group.